Next Bloc Party:
Friday, October 12: GYM vs GYM
Don’t miss the final Bloc Party of 2018! All of the fun, food, and friends that you love, plus a new friendly opt-in competition format to crown the strongest gym in Ontario!
FREE with a membership/day pass
1/2 price day passes for women after 5pm
Sender Gear (gear/apparel)
more to come…
For the final Bloc Party of 2018, rally your local crew to face off against gyms across Ontario! Our regular “Bouldering 4 Dollars” will switch to a team format: everyone climbs with their own scorecard, but we’ll calculate a team winner by adding the totals of highest scoring MAN and WOMAN (18 and older), and BOY and GIRL (17 and younger) from each gym to determine a winning team! All of the money raised from scorecard sales will be split evenly between the 4 climbers of the winning team.